Leading Sand Washing Plant Manufacturer in India

A trustworthy Sand Washing Plant Manufacturer In India in India always known for creating process solutions in order to address the different demands of different clients’ applications. Always a genuine manufacturer is found to have a huge range of robust and field-proven equipment and they are innovating.

Based upon the application they perform lab-scale tests on the materials which include the following- attrition scrubbing, sand equivalent and durability, percent solids, sieve analysis, dynamic, and static flocculation/setting, hydrosizer based classification, and filter press testing, etc.

With the Sand Washing Plant Manufacturer In India, in-house lab and industry proficient, clients will get plant crafted particularly for their site with the capacities to match the exact needs and requirements.

Sand Washing Plant- learn how it works

Sand Washing Plant covers ranges of processes for getting sand from the raw state to a well-finished state. The process includes-

01- Feed preparation-

Before the processing of raw feed, it needs to be prepared using blade mills, attrition cells, log washers, coarse material screw washers, and rotary scrubbers. The aim is to bring all materials in suspension, particularly breaking down any clay-bound materials and removing superficial surface contamination.

02- Sizing-

Before and just after the first step, raw feed needs to be screened into the fractions rightly for both downstream process and products to be made. Usually, vibratory screens are used.

03- Pumping-

Centrifugal slurry pumps are favored means through which slurry is transferred from a plant to the other. Pumps are used for effluent disposal. Though there can be resistance to using a pump over a gravity-fed unit.  A gravity-fed unit mightn’t be able to capture saleable materials. These losses go straight to waste and end up costing money in the long run.

04- Densifying and dewatering-

Particular kinds of tools such as attrition cells, hydrosizers needs dilute slurry to be concentrated. Separators and cyclones are commonly used for this purpose. Separators are suited for this purpose with the capability to underflow density and dial in. In dewatering fine material screws, dewatering separators are common devices. The low moisture content is obtained with the dewatering screen. With the enhanced safety better housekeeping and fast availability, the dewatering screen has been the equipment of selection for the end product dewatering.

05- Sampling-

Each system needs monitoring and sample for a better outcome. Sand Washing Plant Manufacturer In India can design a sampling system to concentrated on main areas. The capacity to react speedily to the process changes assists in eliminating waste, enhance product superiority and troubleshoot issues.