The MT washing station is a compact design for a complete washingsolution.
Requires less space and gives maximum result.
The range includes a combination of Sump, Dewatering Station,Hydrocyclne, Pump, Motor connected in tandem for a unmatchedquality product and quantity.
- BHAJJANKA Polyurethane screen deck media and side pads forlonger life and quality performance.
- Polyurethane lined hydrocyclone (Make - BHAJJANKA) of suitablediameter as per the requirement.
- Self regulating Cyclone tank.
- Rubber lined sump with PUMP protection mat (Make - BHAJJANKA)for ensuring the safety of the pump.
- Rubber lined slurry pump.
- Maximum recovery of material above 75 microns.
- Maximum removal of silt below 75 microns for a cleaner and washedsand.
- Robust Design and compact structure.
- Final moisture content as low as 10-12% in the product.
- Easy to operate and fully automatic.